NMSU Graduate, Marcos

You guys, I do not get to photograph men very often so I had so much fun with Marcos' grad session! Marcos is a hometown friend that I met in middle school while volunteering at our local rec center summer program. He's an amazing friend and incredibly smart! Marcos graduated from nursing school at New Mexico State University and he finished with honors and served as the Nursing Club's president. So impressive!

We met at the campus library. He wanted photos of the architecture around campus so we focused on the beautiful arches, windows, and colors of each building. As always, Marcos noted he had never gotten professional photos done and that he needed help posing. Men don't have too much variation in posing so we stuck to a lot of hands in pocket, smiling, and getting real laughs/smiles.

We moved towards an area on campus that had stairs. I thought it would be cool to get some close ups while Marcos sat down. I loved the way the background focused on him.

Campus Photo Must Haves

Everyone at NMSU, at least the nursing and public health students, have a must shoot at spot. It's the health building and specifically the big beautiful archways that everyone must have. I love the colors that you get when you shoot in this area. The wood in the ceilings adds a really nice texture to the bland but necessary gown shots.

Around November and March/April you can find a ton of photographers walking around campus trying to get the same spots. I love that it's such a happy time to see all of the excited grads getting their pics for mom and dad!

These are my favs

In March and April is when Spring blooms so gorgeous around campus. My favorite spot is near the business complex where the magnolias and ivy spread all over the back of the building. I love the industrial white and dirty building mixed with the green beauty. I feel like anyone in any outfit couple make this spot pop.

We also added Mariah, Marcos' long time girlfriend for a few shots. I love their love. They just laughed and played the entire time. Mariah is also a childhood friend so this was extra special to get a few of them together. We had her play with the grad cap and I just gave them directions to hold hands, walk around, laugh, and tell each other jokes.

Mariah made Marcos the cutest grad sign. I love the little details because it's a gift she gave him to show how proud she is!

Sweet & Happy Love

I just really love their love. I wanted some shots with movement so I asked them to dance and run around together. They are not dancers so at first they got stiff and I had to say "no no, we want silly, not ballroom dancers". The last few photos are of them playing thumb wars. I love the closeness.


Thanks for scrolling through this blog! I love to share a bit more of a inside look into my sessions. My creative mindset is to get people to not even look at the camera. I prefer candid and silly over anything else.